Dear Resident,
Just another short note from the Parish Council as we are still unable to meet up under the Covid-19 restrictions. In line with Covid -19 rules the APM that usually takes place in April was cancelled, it has yet to be rearranged. Our Annual Accounts for 2019/20 have been audited by Jane Whitfield as Internal Auditor. These will be ready to be signed off by Richard Cobb as Parish Council Chairman and Wendy Kitchener as Financial Officer Responsible prior to submission to PKF Littlejohn the external auditor in August. The small amount of Planning Applications received during the “Lock Down” have been dealt with, using the guidelines set out by Local Government. The work of resurfacing the High Street and Francis Road was put on hold due to the “Covid Lock Down.” We hope to see this work take place when it is safe to do so. A gate has been ordered to secure the Village Hall car park. The gate is to be fitted across the drive level with the front of the Hall. This work has become necessary due people outside our community using the car park late at night for activities not connected with the hall or recreation ground! We have been reluctant to do this in the past because we didn’t want people parking in Francis Road should the car park be closed off. I am pleased to say that Richard Ground who lives opposite will open the gate in the morning and close it at night. So, this will not be an issue. Plus, we will fit a combination padlock with the number available to those using the hall. Many thanks to Richard. The allotments in Francis road are now 100% taken up. They have been a hive of activity with people enjoying the open air in the lock down. There is a great sense of community where people can Social Distance but still meet people. It’s been a real tonic in these strange times. Even I have learnt to grow a Lettuce! Water Pressure in the Village has been a real problem over the last 4-6 weeks. I would like to thank Councillor Nick Tiffin for his “work” with Affinity Water and the working relationship he formed with James the escalation manager at Affinity Water. Without going into detail, the supply line from Ashwell water reservoir (our local storage facility) has now been fixed. I have never known the pressure to be this good in 40 years. Let’s hope it continues along with some rain. The Parish Council would like to thank the efforts of the Village Hall committee during the Lock Down. They have secured a £10,000 grant though NHDC from the central government Covid -19 response. This will secure the Hall over the next 2-3 years where income to the hall will be lower because of the ongoing effects of the pandemic. Very well done. The acts of kindness continue with people helping neighbours out with shopping, picking up prescriptions. The list goes on. The War memorial clock is not chiming, we hope to be able to have this repair work completed along with its annual service very soon. Again, things are slower due to restrictions. It has been great to see the support for our Landlord and Lady Gerry and Julie with people using their “takeaway service” over the last months. We all hope to see the Pub open soon fingers crossed. Also we have heard recently that the Archery Group will restart their meetings on the Recreation from the 8th July following the guidelines laid out by Archery GB . With Social Distancing and restricted to 8-10 players, who have pre-booked. Following current hygiene guidelines. Keep safe Richard Cobb-Chair of Hinxworth Parish Council. Comments are closed.
March 2024
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