The following is a report from the Chairman Dick Cobb presented at the Parish Council Annual Meeting -
Welcome to the Hinxworth PC AGM Thank you all for making the effort to attend. Steve Jarvis our County Councillor sends his apologies he has two AGMs to attend tonight. Welcome to Janine Paterson our District Councillor. As you will be aware this is the last meeting of this Parish Council, we have come to the end of our 4 year term. So there can be no election of Chair & Vice Chair until the May election are completed. My Report. I am pleased to look back at the last 12 months as fairly peaceful. So I can be brief. As promised, we have installed a Smiley face speed sign out at the South end of the High Street this was funded by the Highways and ourselves on a 50/50 basis. £2,500 being our share have a 5 year Guarantee with the Highways looking after it, There has been a noticeable improvement from speeding traffic coming from the Ashwell end approach, it is our hope that we can get a similar agreement for another sign at the North end as the current sign although still working its well passed its operational life. Pot Holes take up a lot of time! With the help of Steve Jarvis, we have had a good job of quality repairs to New Inn Road. We have been promised the High Street will have a similar works done in the New F/year with the whole road being top dressed the following 12 months. Gully/Drain cleaning has improved this year as well. The Village Hall I would like to thank the current and passed members of the Village Hall Management Committee for the great efforts they have put in the last 12 months. We have a new kitchen which is fantastic and was made possible by their hard work, fund raising. And physically fitting the kitchen themselves with their husbands! Also the generous donation of a Local Resident, the fund raising, and the Parish Council input we now have a facility we can be very proud of. For me this is what living in a small community is all about Going forward The Hall Committee will have to generate more cash to balance the books over the new f/year, I have every faith they will do that. Now that this large spend is out of the way. Recreation Ground. I am pleased to say the Archery Club have signed the annual agreement for 2019/2020 starting in April. And the Caravan Club have booked again for this year and also already for 2020. This is a good revenue income for us. We have been approached by some youngsters from the village headed up by Tom Mills who gave us a small presentation to the PC last month. Which was well received. This was regarding the Tennis courts and its long-term future. The court was installed over 30 years ago and times have changed. The surface is showing signs of wear and tear caused by the weather rather than people playing. The Tennis Club folded several years ago. The idea is to look at the feasibility of having a more usable area for Walking football, Net Ball etc, we have visited Ashwell school to look at their Play areas which are fantastic, this cost is way out of our budget, but we will look into see what is feasible. We will consult with everyone before any changes are made. But I promise you, we will not be having a Referendum! We have installed a large gate from the car park area to the rec and will look to securing the main front gate better to deter fly tipping or illegal use of our Recreation ground. The Allotments are being used with only six spaces vacant, many thanks to the enthusiasm of Hilary Perricone. Planning There have been no big issues in the last 12 months, we are very aware of the unsightliness of the boarded-up site in Chapel Street. And will continue to work with the relevant council officers where appropriate regarding this site. Finally I would like thank my fellow councillors Eric Sore, Nick Tiffin, Russell Lewis & David Osmond for their support and hard work over the last 4 years. Russ many thanks for your help particularly with the new Village defibrillator and the training which you organised and your involvement with our new PC Web site. Also, David who has been a Parish Councillor for eight years who has decided not to put himself up for re-election. His experience and been very helpful to me and I wish him well. Also, our Parish Clerk Wendy for her continued support and hard work which is invaluable to. Please click on link to read the County Councillors Report from Janine Paterson presented at the Parish Council Annual Meeting on 2nd of April 2019. ![]()
Parish council AGM |
February 2025
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